26 February 2008

I'm Walkin' on Sunshine

I decided to commute by bike again this year, so yesterday morning I got a week work of clothes and lunches, and dragged them to the office along with by bike and all the other stuff I need to ride bewteen work and home.
I was really excited for a great ride home, I caught every light green: 4100 S, 700 W, 500 W, 4200 S, then to the front of the line at 4500 S where I was able to trackstand until the green. The, about 5 km into the ride it struck me that I couldn't ride home that night because I needed to have my own car at home since Nicole had her book club and I had church meetings to attend, and I was taking care of Beth and would need a car seat for her. So, just past 4500 South I turned a one-way commute into a loop. I turned down 4800 S, the cuth through to Atherton, bakc to 4500 S, into the neighborhood connect, onto 1300 W, across 4100 S, and backto the office where I changed back into my work clothes and climbed into my truck for the drive home. At least I got nearly 10 km out of the deal.
And I how have my bike stuff ready to roll for commuting, so I can get it going soon.

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