First on that ride I pulled up behind a bus stopped for passengers; I couldn't pass because of the line of traffic already passing closely to the bus. So I waited for the bust to start and stayed right behind it while it accelerated. Eventually it pulled away, but I kept riding. Then the bus stopped again a few meters later. I passed it this time and kept riding. Then this jack-rabbit-style bus driver passed me again. Shortly after, again, the bus stopped for passengers. I passed it again. After the bus passed me once more it pulled away and I couldn't pass it again. Now, this wasn't the really fun part, but it was my first car chase of the day.
As I continued to ride, I noticed an old, gray pickup that I kept catching at lights for several kilometers. Kind of cool to know that I'm keeping up with traffic.
But the fun one was the black car. I think it was a Nissan. The guy just had to fly past me to get to a red light before the biker. And I mean fly. I happened to catch the light just as it turned green and caught him in the intersection. Sweet. Then, at the next light it happened again that I caught the light just turning green and could slip past this guy who just had to get ahead of the biker. Repeat that a few more times until the stop sign at the 3-way intersection where I could just slide through, again ahead of this guy. Shortly after that he turned off the road.
I think it was just the fun of making someone who thinks he's is such a big hurry realize that he's going no faster than the guy on the bike that I enjoy. People who are just driving along I get no real joy from leapfrogging, just a happiness of keeping up with traffic. But the idiots who think they're going to get so far ahead with their gas-guzzling, quick-driving techniques are the ones it's fun to torment. And chase.