28 July 2008

Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)

The song was stuck in my head for three-and-a-half hours! From West Jordan to Sandy. Sandy to Riverton. Riverton to Herriman, Herriman to Copperton, Copperton to Taylorsville, Taylorsville to West Jordan. The whole 50 miles it was the same song. Yet, somehow I didn't get sick of it. Then for a few days it was gone completely,  It was gone. When I'm biking I tend to do that a lot; I get an  "earworm" or song that gets stuck in your head, that won't go away. Then after the ride the song goes away. It's like the repetition of pedaling keeps the song there and keeps me fron going insane from it, then my brain rebels when the repetition ends and rejects the song.
Elsewhere on the ride I discovered that the Baccus in Herriman is at the same elevation as Wasatch Boulevard on the east side of the valley. It just doesn't feel like the same climb since it's more gradual climb rather than the 6-8% gradients on the east side.
Copperton park still has good water.
Lousy post, but it's a crazy day at work.

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