22 April 2009

Eye in The Sky

"…I can read your mind." Or, at least, I would like to think I can. When you're on the road, I can ascribe all my worst prejudices against you, especially when I'm on my bike and have time to think about it.

I mean you, the cyclists who rode past me without even waving or nodding. Talk about stuck up. You don't even have time to acknowledge your peers. Plus, I'm better than you -- trust me, I can just tell -- so my waving to you was a massive step down the social ladder anyway. At least return it, you snobs.

I mean you, the lady who keeps backing out of her driveway right as I come up. Oh, wait, you're pretty cool. Two days in a row, you've seen me and waited for me to pass rather than thinking that you could jump in front of the cyclist. I think good thoughts about you.

But I definitely mean you, the SUV who just had to jump in front of me this morning. Then it took you a good while to get up to speed and I almost caught you. Just go ahead and burn your fossil fuels, secure in your metal cocoon without worrying about the world around you.

I mean you, Volvo driver. Oh, do I mean you. You were entitled to get through that yellow light, weren't you?I'm sure that you actually deserved the green light, but it was taken from you by fate. If you're lucky Obama will figure out a way to make that right for you.  You'll get a tax cut for every documented green light that you miss. Just go ahead and take that out of my taxes, why don't you? You just had to push it, sneaking up behind the biker, then you just had to get in front of me to turn right across my path. Wow, I'm glad that worked out for you. I'd be even more upset at you if you hadn't accelerated so quickly to get far enough ahead of me that I didn't have to hit my brakes to avoid you. At least you did that, you little entitled  entitler.

Okay, the three walking grannies get a pass. I can figure that they were in deep conversation with each other and didn't have time to interrupt that for a rapid cyclist who was giving them a wide berth. I'll be kind to the grannies.

But the rest of you, be careful. I can see your worst possible intentions and hold those against you for upwards of 30 minutes before my mind becomes so wrapped up in more important matters that you become an insignificant part of my past, never to be remembered again. Until you reappear in my path.


  1. Maybe this biking stuff isn't as good for your heart as I thought.

  2. I'll be...um...careful not to cross your path when you're biking.
