10 July 2009


So, I started out my 38th year with a struggle of a ride this morning. Although I took the short commute route in, I was still fighting to just keep going. So, the question becomes why. I have a few guesses, but nothing concrete.

Guess 1: I've pushed my body pretty hard this week. Between a full week of commutes, although none were exceptionally long, and doing some core work each morning, my body has exerted harder this week than it has in some time. I stressed myself getting such a fast average speed yesterday. I've also run on somewhat shortened sleep creating some energy deprivation. These are all reasons I've heard for lower performance. However, this seems to involve way too much scientific and physiological stuff for me to put full credence in it.

Guess 2: I am older, and therefore slower.

I think I'll go with Guess 2.

Oh, wait, upon further inspection, I discovered that my back tire had gone flat. It may have just been that I had a low back tire that was dragging me down. I can always hope it was that, and I can easily blame my lack-luster performance on that. Yeah, that's it. It's not my age. I mean, it couldn't be my age.


  1. I think you're super inspiring!

    I hope this next year is filled with all sorts of wonderful for you and your precious family!

  2. You're not old Kev. Let's try to increase your sleep time--I'm really starting to worry about that.
