29 July 2009

Free Will

This morning I decided that I was going to push for a fast ride. I was thinking about my 34 km/h ride a few weeks ago and wondering if I could replicate that. So, I chose the same route, and set my mind to push, trying to get the green lights and keep my speed up.

I believe the difference between being fast on the bike or not is often the result of small choices. It may be the decision to push a little harder to try to catch a light green. It may be the choice to do some core work to build general strength. It may be the decision to shift into or hold a higher gear. For me it sometimes involves focusing on lifting the pedals instead of just pushing them down. Sometimes it's the choice to wear Lycra instead of the more socially appropriate shorts. None of these are big choices, but each contributes a little bit to a faster ride.

Maybe a lot of life is that way. Maybe the difference between accomplishing something great and not rests in the seemingly small choices we make every day, not in looking for a few big choices. The lyrics to the song title of this post include, "If you choose to not decide, you still have made a choice… I will choose the path that's clear; I will choose free will." How many little choices do we simply choose not to make?

How many mornings have I stayed in bed just those few extra minutes instead of getting up to do even a 5 minute workout? How often have I thought that a service project may not be that important for me to be at? How many times have I simply let something expire, rather than face it head on?

On the other hand, how often have I gotten myself onto the bike, even when I wasn't sure that I wanted to exert any effort that day? (And usually had a great ride.) How often have I chosen to take care of the project that I dread, simply because I know that it has to be done? (And usually not enjoy it every bit as much as I feared.) How often have I chosen to attend church, or say a prayer, or do something else to strengthen the spiritual aspect of my life?

I think that it's in these little choices that our lives are formed every bit as much as improvements in sport.

But then again, sometimes no matter what the choices you make, whether big or little, you just run out of stamina and start to slow. Oh, and about the speed of the ride: it was just below 34 km/h, although if I had to go any further it would have dropped like a rock. The last kilometer I was dragging myself on, unable to maintain the speeds of earlier in the ride.

So, after making the choice to ride fast this morning, what are the rest of my little choices today?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely appreciate all the small and big decisions you make that benefit my life and make me love you even more.
