While I was there I showed them my slightly messed up Campy shifter and learned that they had a source to repair it. That's good to know. I also got my hands on some CarboRocket. I figured that since my own cousin makes the stuff that I ought to try some. So, I am now the proud owner of a big bag of Lemon Lime CarboRocket. I'll post some thoughts after I use it on a few rides.
But that's not all. They have the coolest tool there: it's a trigger adapter for an air compressor that is built to fill presta valves! It has the trigger fill, a bleed-off valve, fits directly on a presta valve fitting, and has a built in gauge! No more adjusting the air compressor only to have the pressure drop off while filling the tire! I am stoked to try this thing out, and hope it's even half as cool as I expect.
"Don't you know it's gonna be alright!"
Didn't even realize you picked up your bike. Kev, I tell you everything. Sometimes you're a mystery man. But, you're my favorite mystery man ever. Lots of love, Nico