12 May 2008

Dust in the Wind

While I think we're a little more than dust in the wind, that phrase accurately describes this past weekend in Cedar City, Utah. I went with Nicole's family on a mini-reunion of sorts to the KOA in Cedar City. From the moment we arrived the wind was blowing dust, and desiccating the entire family. To be fair, beyond the wind and dust the weather was glorious.
We went out for a ride from the KOA up the canyon trail and back, a total of just over 12 km. This seems to be the lone bike/pedestrian trail in the city. We left the bike trail on the return trip and took some bike lanes and quiet back streets and these were also quite a good ride. Everyone had a fun time, even Beth riding behind me.
The ride up the canyon is a well paved path with moderate grades and stunning views of the colorful rock and Southern Utah scenery. Within just a few miles you can forget that you started in the center of a college town, and think that you're off exploring wild places.
The trail follows a creek up the canyon and this provides some other nice views overlooking the water colored with sediment from red rock and dirt. I'm told the water is frigid, but I didn't check this for myself.
There are a few other nice mountain biking trails in the area that could make this a worthwhile weekend biking trip. Check with a Local Bike Shop for trail details.
I still had a non-functioning front derailleur from the broken spoke incident on the prior Tuesday, but fortunately the pace never picked up enough to miss my upper gears. A simple cable adjustment upon return home repaired the issue.

Cedar City could be a great cycling city. It is still small enough that a bike ride is very close in time to a car trip most anywhere in town. There is a college there that could help support a strong bike culture, and the weather for more than half the year is ideal for biking. The winters are cold and snowy, but once that clears the bikes could rule the roads for nine months a year. I know from past experience that there are a couple of good bike shops in town willing to help with repairs, trail advice, and anything else you need. All these shops need is more people on bikes.

1 comment:

  1. I just realized that I didn't do the bike ride justice in this post.
    The ride up the canyon is a well paved path with moderate grades and stunning views of the colorful rock and Southern Utah scenery. Within just a few miles you can forget that you started in the center of a college town, and think that you're off exploring wild places.
    The trail follows a creek up the canyon and this provides some other nice views overlooking the water colored with sediment from the red rock and dirt. I'm told the water is frigid, but I didn't check this for myself.
    There are a few other nice mountain biking trails in the area that could make this a worthwhile weekend biking trip. Check with a Local Bike Shop for trail details
