14 May 2008

Storm Front

Wow! What was up with the unfriendlies out there today? Between the car that just had to block the shoulder so he could wait to turn right at the next light, to the joggers -- they can be excused, my thoughts on joggers later -- to the cyclists who wouldn't even return a friendly "Howdy!" Is it the cloud cover?
From the joggers, I'd expect it. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen a happy jogger. It's like they spend their entire workout chanting the mantra, "No pain, no gain: no pain, no gain…" And if it's not the mantra, they have their iPods turned up so loud that they can't hear you anyway. They never smile, and they rarely acknowledge anything outside their circle of pain as they bang their knees to oblivion. They just don't seem happy. It's probably because they can't coast. I mean, I'd get grumpy too if I'd just climbed  up a hill and then I had to work to get back down. BUT, the cyclists are supposed to be at least courteous as you pass o the street. I yell out a, "Howdy!" and I expect at least a wave of the hand, a nod of the head,  or a friendly grunt in return. But this morning, nothing. The sullen skies seem to have sullied the moods of the collective population of Salt Lake.
SMILE PEOPLE, YOU'RE BIKING! Oh, and remind me sometime to tell you the story of the time I had to work to go downhill. It's a great story. Now.
BTW, the title is a great song by Billy Joel.

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