17 June 2008

Born to Be Wild

Okay, motorbikes are incredibly loud. I'm talking deafening to ride past. I mean you'd think that a diesel or tricked out Civic with a race non-muffler would be loud. But neither of those can compare with a pair of motorbikes passing you. I've noticed this on several rides recently. I'll be riding along quietly focusing on my heart rate, my cadence, or how to create world peace, only to be interrupted by this air-splitting roar that increases to the volume of a small airplane as it passes me. Now, I know that part of the fun of riding a Harley (or other cruiser) is hearing the rumble of the engine, but can't they get them to rumble without rattling out the windows of homes as they pass? Just my thoughts.
Oh, and there've been a lot more motorbikes just like there've been a lot more bicycles this year. Must be something about petrol prices.

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